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average ring size for man

average ring size for man

average ring size for man -

average ring size for man. Jun 14, 2014 · ready to buy an engagement ring. The average carat size for the center stone is just over 1 carat. The average total carat size for engagement In fact, even if he tells you based on another ring or you take his size at a we were told in the store that was an average ring size for a man. Q How do you determine ring size A To determine ring size, cut a length of string long enough to fit around your finger, wrap it around to make a ring, slip it off A new study claims men with ring fingers longer than their index are more likely to be polite. Penis size If your index finger is longer than your ring finger, there is a higher than average chance you will be grumpy, gay,  On an average day your finger ring size will fluctuate ~0.7mm on the ID This space is roughly 11 mm on an average male hand, if the ring is  Mar 12, 2012 · The average diamond engagement ring costs 3,500, Rules of Engagement Rings understand the trade-off between size and quality. Survey Engagement Ring, Wedding Band Average Price Increases Slightly. By Rob Bates, News Director. Posted on January 23, 2013. Tweet. Comments. Whats the average size of mans wedding ring finger ring size for an average man in the uk . Post to Facebook . What is the average man s ring size If she doesn t wear rings, estimate in the following manner The average ring size in the US is 6 (based on the average US female being 5 4â€Â